Twitter names grievance officer, files user report – Times of India

New Delhi: Twitter India has appointed a local complaints officer, besides filing monthly compliance reports on condemnation of objectionable and illegal content, in a sign the US micro-blogging giant is falling in line with new IT regulations mandated by the government.
Vinay Prakash Sunday was designated as the lead officer to address user complaints. He would sit out of the company’s local office in Bangalore and work with Twitter’s global executive. Jeremy Kessel, that . based out of San Francisco.
The move comes days after the Delhi High Court refused to grant interim protection to Twitter and allowed the Center to take action against it for any violation of the new IT rules. Twitter was also asked to regularize the appointment of designated officers within two weeks.
Twitter’s ‘India Transparency Report’ was filed for the period May 26 to June 25 this year and the company said it has filed complaints on various content complaints including abuse and harassment (38 URLs), defamation (87), impersonation (1) 133 URLs have been removed. , misinformation/synthetic and manipulative media (1), and privacy violations (6).
However, despite receiving four complaints, it did not act on complaints about “sensitive adult content”.
“In addition to the above figures, we have processed 56 complaints appealing for the suspension of Twitter accounts. All these were resolved, and appropriate responses were sent. We reversed the suspension of seven accounts depending on the specifics of the situation, but other accounts remain suspended,” it said without giving specifics.
The company, which recently faced an FIR, including a post related to child pornographic material, reported proactive surveillance data around “child sexual abuse, non-consensual nudity and similar content” , although it was not India-specific. data but global numbers (period was not mentioned). It said 18,385 accounts had been suspended over the subject. Globally, it also suspended 4,179 accounts for “promoting terrorism”.
On the contentious issue of appointment of statutory officers (such as nodal officers and chief compliance officers) in line with the new IT rules, it has already told the courts that steps have been initiated.
The company had earlier appointed lawyer Dharmendra Chatur He stepped down as a local grievance officer, but as regulatory troubles escalated for the social media platform and several FIRs were filed against its top management over the transportation of “objectionable and illegal” content.
Twitter’s turn to come down on India’s new IT rules coincides with the change of guard in the ministerial departments of the central government, in which Ashwini Vaishnav was replaced. Ravi Shankar Prasad.
The new minister, in his opening remarks, had said that companies operating in India, including Twitter, will have to comply with the law of the land.


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