Twitter India head accused of promoting hate speech about Hinduism, complaint filed

New Delhi: A complaint has been filed with the Delhi Police Cyber ​​Cell against Twitter India Managing Director Manish Maheshwari and a non-profit organization for allegedly spreading communal hatred.

Advocate Aditya Singh Deshwal has filed the complaint and it has sought registration of FIR against Twitter Communications India Pvt Ltd, Manish Maheshwari, MD, Twitter India, Shagufta Kamran, Public Policy Manager of Twitter India while addressing the DCP Cyber ​​Cell of Delhi Police. has demanded. As Armin Nawabi and Susanna McIntyre, the founders and CEOs of Republic Atheist.

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The advocate has taken issue with a picture of Goddess Kali shared by Atheist Republic’s Twitter account, stating that the tweet was not only defamatory, but intended to cause annoyance, inconvenience, threat, obstruction, humiliation, injury, criminal intimidation. Posted from. Enmity, hatred and ill-will in the society.

“It will also not be inappropriate to mention here that these posts have been deliberately put up by the said user to insult our religious beliefs to hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus,” the advocate was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

In his complaint, the advocate said, “Twitter which is a microblogging website/platform in collusion with Armin Nawab and Atheist Republic has been showing this blasphemous material since July 2011. The user profile of Atheist Republic has such blasphemy references to Hinduism. full of material. and other religions”.

“Twitter, on the other hand, has not taken any steps to remove such content as an important Social Media Intermediary (SSMN) but is acting as an accomplice of crime in gross violation of Indian laws and thus Showing all kinds of blasphemous and derogatory content,” he further alleged.

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The advocate has alleged on Twitter his platform of deliberately promoting hate speech about Hinduism, which is in violation of the provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 in the light of Section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

He claimed that Manish Maheshwari and Shagufta Kamran have deliberately not taken any action to remove such objectionable material from the platform even after a month has elapsed with the intention of promoting communal hatred and disturbing social peace in the country.

The advocate has sought registration of FIR against all the accused persons named in his complaint, urging the Delhi Police to arrest them to prevent further proceeding of the crime.


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