Twitter begins testing the ‘downvote’ button on iOS, here’s what it looks like

Twitter says it is testing the downvote feature with select iOS users.

Twitter says it is testing the downvote feature with select iOS users.

Twitter is yet to share details on the Android availability of the downvote button for testers.

Twitter has started testing a new “downvote” button, which it doesn’t describe as a “dislike button”. The company says it is testing the feature with select iOS users to understand the types of relevant answers in conversations, based on which it will decide on a final rollout. A promotional poster on the Twitter Support account shows a regular heart or like button on the tweet that sits alongside the existing comment and retweet buttons. However, replies to a tweet now have two new options to upvote or like and downvote, denoted by thumbs up and down, respectively. The same downvote (read dislike) button on posts or replies on Facebook has long been pending, and the company has yet to add the option, despite adding the option to react with multiple emoji. Video giant YouTube, on the other hand, has been offering both like and dislike buttons for more than ten years. Interestingly, the Alphabet-owned company began testing dislike count from its platform in March this year, but did not remove the option completely.

Twitter adds that downvotes are not yet public, and upvotes will be shown as likes. Twitter is yet to share details about the availability of Android for testers. The company reiterates that downvotes are not dislikes and votes will not change the order of answers. It also appears that the company will not show the number of downvotes (or dislikes). Twitter explains, “It’s not quite a dislike button. In this research experiment, the thumbs down icon is a down vote that lets us know that you think the answer isn’t relevant to the conversation. Want to understand what you do and don’t find relevant in a convo.” The company also clarified that downvotes are not public, and users will not be notified if someone downvoted your answer. “Upvoting an answer will be treated as a like as part of this test – you will be notified, and the answer will appear in their Likes tab,” it added.

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