Troubled by son, father committed suicide by making VIDEO: Do not give such children to anyone, written in suicide note, then shot himself

Jalore13 minutes ago

In Jalore, Rajasthan, the father-in-law of a female sarpanch committed suicide by shooting himself with a gun. The deceased made a video and wrote a suicide note before committing suicide. In both, the deceased has spoken of committing suicide after getting upset with his son. Wrote- I say that no one should have such a child. What does not belong to the Father, does not belong to anyone. My last rites should not be performed by son Shakti, my grandson RD Singh.

72-year-old Mod Singh, a resident of Rama village of Bhadrajoon area of ​​Jalore, committed suicide by shooting himself with a gun late on Monday evening. His son Shakti Singh’s wife is currently the sarpanch of Rama village. Bhadrajoon SHO Pratap Singh said that the police have not found the suicide note from the spot, but the suicide note and the video of the deceased have been shared on social media. Police is probing the suicide note shared on social media. In the suicide note, the deceased has accused his son of torturing him.

This suicide note of the deceased is being shared on social media.  Police is probing it.

This suicide note of the deceased is being shared on social media. Police is probing it.

Blessings given to grandchildren in suicide note
Mod Singh wrote in the suicide note- My granddaughter and grandson Ranidan Singh served and loved both of us very much. May God always keep him happy and strong from all sides. It is my blessing that you take care of your dadu mama. I apologize to those whom I have wronged. I forgive those who wronged me, apart from these three. God forgive me

I am going to God. The reason is that Rawla handed over the son Shakti in 2008. Then in 2009 I started tightening. Till 2018 used to give 3000 rupees a month for both of us. After coming in contact with Vikram Singh and Mahendra Singh, they were closed till today. Used to say that if you do not give land and money, then both will die automatically. We have neither land nor money. Shakti first took the land, then got Ravala in his name. Got the jeep in the name of Binani (son’s wife). With the consent of Vikram and Mahendra, both took the gun and said – we are in danger. Most of the fault lies with Shakti, everyone should help in getting these culprits punished.

Daughter-in-law is not responsible, take care of mother-in-law
The deceased wrote in the suicide note – daughter-in-law has no direct cooperation in this. If you take care of your mother-in-law, it is fine, otherwise it will be worse than us. The details are completely written in my cupboard. I say that no one should have a child like Shakti. What is not of the Father, does not belong to anyone. God grant me salvation. Send it back to this world only. Pray you all. Shakti should not perform my last rites, grandson RD Singh should do it.

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