Trial of 3 cops in George Floyd killing to resume after Covid pause – Times of India

scheduled tribe. Paul, Minn.: Three former Minneapolis police officers charged with violating federal trial George Floydrights are expected to resume on Monday, after it was suddenly suspended last week after one of the defendants tested positive COVID-19,
J Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane And Tou Thao is accused of denying Floyd his rights when they failed to provide him with medical help, as Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on the black man’s neck for 9 1/2 minutes while handcuffing Floyd. Planted, confronted and gasping for air. Kueng and Thao are also accused of failing to intervene in the May 2020 murder, which triggered worldwide protests and re-investigated racism and policing.
The hearing, which was in the middle of its second week, was adjourned on Wednesday when the judge Paul Magnusson Said that one of the respondents had tested positive. The defendant was not named, but Kueng and Thao were in court that day and Lane was not. Lane’s lawyer declined to say whether his client had Covid-19.
That “test participant” had to be tested again before the trial could resume, as were all other case participants who had that person. The court said that Magnussen and the jurors were not considered close contacts because they were not within 6 feet of the lawyers’ desk.
Each morning before the trial begins, case participants are required to answer questions about COVID-19 symptoms. If someone tests positive, is in close contact with someone who has had, or begins to have symptoms, a COVID-19 test is given immediately.
Testimony began on 24 January when a jury was expedited in one day. Magnussen ordered the selection of six options instead of the usual two, in case a jury became ill and had to leave.
To ensure social distancing, Magnussen set limits on who could be in court. This includes allowing only four pool journalists and a sketch artist, as well as a limited number of family and officers and friends of Floyd. Everyone entering the courtroom is asked about symptoms.
The general public and other journalists may view closed-circuit TV feeds in separate rooms.
Masks are mandatory for most people in courthouses, as they are in public buildings in St. Paul and neighboring Minneapolis. The judge made an exception for himself, citing a chronic lung condition, and his voice was not suppressed when he testified for the witnesses.
Most other federal court proceedings in Minnesota are being conducted by video or teleconference because of the pandemic, while state courts are using a mix of in-person and remote proceedings.
Testimony so far has come from government witnesses, with defense lawyers expected to call witnesses later. Lane’s attorney has said his client will testify, but it is not known whether other officers will.
Floyd, 46, clashed with officers when they tried to escort him into a police vehicle and then slammed him to the ground. Kueng knelt on Floyd’s back, Lane grabbed his feet and Thao chased the audience back.
Kueng, who is black, Lane, who is white, and Thao, who is Hmong American, have been charged with deliberately denying Floyd his constitutional rights while acting under government authority. One count charges against all three officers that they saw Floyd need medical care and failed to help. A count argues against Thao and Kueng that they did not intervene to stop Chauvin. Both counts allege that the actions of officers resulted in Floyd’s death.
Chauvin was convicted of manslaughter and manslaughter in state court last year and pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge. He lives in jail. Lane, Kueng and Thao also faced a separate state trial in June, alleging they aided and abetted the murder and manslaughter. All three have been free on bail soon after being charged in June 2020.
