Trade unions defer bank strike to March 28-29

Trade unions defer bank strike to March 28-29
Image Source : PTI (FILE)

Trade unions defer bank strike to March 28-29

Trade unions have announced to postpone the nationwide bank strike against the government policies. The two-day strike was planned for February 23 and 24, but has been deferred to March 28 and 29.

The strike was postponed last month keeping in view the third wave of Covid-19 and assembly polls in five states.

“An online meeting of the joint platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) and Sectoral Federations/ Associations decided to defer the two-day nationwide strike to March 28-29,” a joint statement issued by the trade unions in January had said.

The joint forum of trade unions includes INTUC, AITUC HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC and Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations.

The unions have asked workers to make the strike a massive success and ‘save the nation from the destructive, anti-national policy regime’.

Earlier in November last year, the National Convention of Workers had planned to organize a nationwide bank strike on February 23-24 during the Budget Session of Parliament.

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