Tracking of alcoholics in Bihar: If caught drinking alcohol for the first time, you will be released by paying a fine, but will remain an alcoholic for life in government records

Patna14 hours agoAuthor: Atul Upadhyay

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Yaara o yaara…Daru has killed…I am now infamous…! Yes, the same fate will happen to those who drink alcohol in Bihar. Even if you don’t drink it for the first time in the midst of mistake and omission and enjoyment, you will remain infamous for life. In fact, the data of people caught drinking for the first time in Bihar has now been directed to be entered in CCTNS i.e. Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System.

This means that if you are caught drinking alcohol in any police station area of ​​Bihar, then your complete details will be recorded in CCTNS. In fact, the state government has recently amended the prohibition law. It has been named as Bihar Prohibition and Excise (Amendment) Act 2022. It has become effective from 1st April 2022. Under section 37 of this, if caught for the first time drinking alcohol, he will be let off with a fine.

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After the prohibition, instructions have been given to all the police stations of Bihar to record the details of those who violated Section 37.

After the prohibition, instructions have been given to all the police stations of Bihar to record the details of those who violated Section 37.

If the law is broken for the second time, the police will find out immediately
If caught drinking alcohol, the police will present the person concerned before the magistrate and then he will be released after taking the fine amount. Failure to pay the fine can result in imprisonment of up to one month. After the enactment of this Act, the biggest problem was to find out who had violated the prohibition law for the first time and got away with the fine. This was also the biggest challenge for the police.

In the states that have implemented prohibition, the biggest problem before the police is the identity of the drinkers. In view of this, now it has been decided to feed the details of such people in CCTNS. From this it will be known whether those caught drinking alcohol for the first time are breaking the law for the second time or not.

The names of those who drink alcohol will be in the category of non-cognizable offense
Bihar Police Headquarters has directed all SSPs, SPs and Railway SPs to enter the details of all such persons in CCTNS who have violated Section 37 for the first time. However, its entry in CCTNS will be done in the category of non-cognizable offence, that is, they will not be kept in the category of criminals. In CCTNS, such persons will be kept in the section of non-cognizable entry. Their entry will be online.

If you make a mistake again, you will get information across the country.
CCTNS is a system which is completely online and not only Bihar but almost all the states across the country are connected to this system. For example, if a person is caught drinking alcohol for the first time in Patna and is released after paying a fine, then his entry will be made by the police of the concerned police station in the CCTNS.

Later, if that person is caught drinking alcohol in any other district of Bihar, then the police there will be able to find out through the CCTNS network whether the person concerned has violated the law for the first time or has done it before. If his details are available in CCTNS then he will be considered as second offender and police can arrest him and send him to jail.

What will happen to the people caught drinking alcohol?
The details of such people will always be available with the police that the person concerned has once been caught while drinking. That is, his name will always be recorded in the police records. It is a different matter that he will not be kept in the category of criminals. If that person is caught in any case in another state, then the police there can also identify him.

There is also a minimum age limit for drinking alcohol
The minimum age for drinking alcohol has been fixed in all the states of the country. In Rajasthan, Himachal, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Sikkim and Puducherry it is 18 years. In Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu this age is 25 years. The minimum drinking age in Kerala is 23 years, while it is 21 years in the rest of the country.

India at number seven in the world in terms of alcohol consumption
India ranks seventh in the world in terms of alcohol consumption. From the graphic below, you can understand what is the trend of alcohol consumption in the country and which part of the country consumes the most alcohol.

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