Tough challenge for youth as heart ailments common post covid: Dr Naresh Trehan, Renone

New Delhi: When this deadly virus has wreaked havoc all over the country and doctors are also standing to save the patients of Kovid. The second wave has been terrifying as compared to the first as the later peak has seen around 1 lakh cases per day but the number with more than four lakh cases a day in the second wave coming in the country after multiple unlocks announced by the government. The sky is touching. . A severe health crisis hit the country causing an economic crisis and leaving many families in ruins.

On Thursday, renowned cardiologist Dr Naresh Trehan on ABP News ‘India Vs Corona E-Conclave 3.0’ highlighted how important it is to take a jab and follow the COVID protocol. “Youth should be very careful as heart diseases in younger age group have increased post covid. The peak of second wave was much higher than first wave and it was due to unlock and people are still following basic covid Not understanding the importance. Protocols as directed by the government. People should respect the efforts made by doctors. Media has also played an important role in creating awareness but people should follow all the guidelines carefully.”

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When asked about the importance of vaccination, Dr. Trehan said, “Getting vaccinated can make a significant difference as it is protective and people should understand it well. The youth should come forward for it. Also, The government should take strict action against such people who violate the COVID norms.”

“India is not as strong an economic country as US or UK, when the second wave hit the country many heartbreaking stories came out as many people lost their loved ones and the country came to a standstill financially,” he said. . added.

Trehan said, “Talking about heart diseases as a post-Covid complication, Dr Trehan said, “People with pre-existing heart diseases are getting more heart attacks and other sections of people like this. Those who are facing heart problems after getting infected with Kovid. With the availability of vaccines, youth should come forward to take jabs. This can prevent people from getting serious health problems.”

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The renowned cardiologist signed, “It is a proud moment for the doctors as the fraternity has worked really hard and I congratulate all the covid warriors who have worked with all their heart.”


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