Tom Holland says he is experiencing ‘midlife crisis’ at age 25, considering quitting acting

Tom Holland publicly discussed his possible plans to quit acting.

Hollywood actor Tom Holland has revealed that he has considered stepping away from acting.

  • Last Update:11 December 2021, 10:13 am
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Hollywood star Tom Holland wants to take some time to “think about the future” for the next five years, as he says he hasn’t stopped thinking about his career since he was 11. Asked if he would get to the point where he could take on “weird” experimental film roles, Holland said: “I wouldn’t call it weird, but I like to explore and try new things with different characters.” Would love to do

“But then again, I’ve been an actor since I was 11. I haven’t done anything else, and maybe I don’t want to be an actor?” He continued: “Maybe I just want to set up a carpentry shop and be a father? I don’t know. I want to spend the next five years really thinking about my future instead of thinking about my career.”

The ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ star also admitted that he is “very privileged and fortunate” to be able to take time off from his career to focus on his personal life.

He continued: “So I think the next five years will be about, ‘What do I want the future of my life to look like,’ rather than ‘What do I want my career legacy to look like?'”

Holland even said that he is not sure if he will continue to play Spider-Man in future Marvel movies, as he feels that No Way Home is the “right storybook for this chapter” of the story. ” Might be possible.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, he said: “As always, I’m very curious to see what they come up with. But maybe we’re not on top of this movie. Maybe it’s Spider-Man.” ‘ be the perfect story book for this chapter.

“And if it’s time for me to step down and step in for a new person, I’ll do it proudly.”

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