Today’s History: Nobel Prizes were established 126 years ago, Nobel Prizes are given on the basis of the will of Alfred Nobel

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The Nobel Prizes were established on this day in 1895. These awards are given on the basis of the will of scientist and inventor Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Initially, the Nobel was awarded only in the fields of Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, Literature and Peace. Later the Nobel was also awarded in the field of Economics.

Alfred Nobel was born on 21 October 1833. After the bankruptcy of his father, Emanuel Noble, in 1842, at the age of nine, Noble moved with his mother Andrieta Ehlsel to his maternal grandfather’s house in St. Petersburg. Here he learned chemistry and the languages ​​Swedish, Russian, English, French and German.

The front side of the Nobel Prize looks like this.

The front side of the Nobel Prize looks like this.

Alfred Nobel today has 355 patents to his name, but people know him more because of dynamite. After the invention of dynamite, it became so widely used in the construction industry that Alfred opened dynamite factories in 90 places. These were factories in more than 20 countries. He constantly roamed the factories. Because of this people called him ‘Europe’s richest vagabond’.

It is said that Alfred was saddened by his invention after seeing the misuse of dynamite. For this, in his will, he expressed his desire to reward the people who benefited humanity from his property. Alfred Nobel wrote his last will on 27 November 1895. The Nobel Prizes were established on the basis of this will. The Nobel Prizes were awarded for the first time in 1901. So far, 609 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 975 personalities and institutions.

2014: 25-year-old cricketer was killed by a sharp bouncer

The incident is of 25 November 2014. The match between South Australia and New South Wales was going on at the Sydney Ground. Phillip was on the crease and Sean Abbott was bowling. A sharp short pitch ball rustled in, which hit the back of Philip’s helmet in the head. He fell there. He died on 27 November 2014 at St Vincent’s Hospital after being in a coma for two days. He went into an ‘induced coma’.

Philip practicing in the nets.  The photo is from 2010.

Philip practicing in the nets. The photo is from 2010.

This incident shocked the entire cricketing world. It is said that bowler Sean Abbott himself was in deep shock after this incident. Abbott was also in the hospital after Hughes’ death and his eyes were constantly in tears. There was a change in the cricket world after this incident. The bowlers started avoiding direct target of the batsmen with their balls.

The batting helmet was made stronger than before. Improvements were made to them. Companies making helmets made changes in helmets. A guard was added under the back rim of the helmet. The number seven pitch at the Sydney Cricket Ground was also retired after Philip’s death.

2008: VP Singh, the 8th Prime Minister of India, died

Vishwanath Pratap Singh, the 8th Prime Minister of India, died on 27 November 2008. On 31 December 1984, VP Singh was the Finance Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government. He had taken the help of Fair Fax to get the money deposited by Indians in foreign banks.

The picture is from 7 November 1990.  When VP Singh's government fell after 11 months.  He was unable to prove the vote of confidence in the House.

The picture is from 7 November 1990. When VP Singh’s government fell after 11 months. He was unable to prove the vote of confidence in the House.

Meanwhile, in the year 1987, Sweden published the news of brokerage in the Bofors gun deal. It had the name of the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. There was uproar in the Parliament. VP Singh himself also did not shy away from raising this issue. The result was that VP Singh was expelled from the party.

After this incident, the government of Rajiv Gandhi also could not run for much and fell. In 1989, VP Singh became the Prime Minister of the country with the help of BJP and Left. VP Singh was born on 26 June 1931 in Allahabad, UP. He was the Prime Minister of India for 11 months. He was the Chief Minister of UP from 9 June 1980 to 28 June 1982.

The day of November 27 is remembered in history because of what other important events…

2002: Famous progressive poet Shivmangal Singh Suman passed away.

1966Uruguay adopted the constitution.

1947: In Paris, the police captured the office of a communist newspaper.

1940: Martial arts legend Bruce Lee was born.

1907: Famous poet and writer Harivansh Rai Bachchan was born in

1881: Famous historian Kashi Prasad Jaiswal was born.

1888: Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar, the famous freedom fighter and the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha, was born.

1795: The first Bengali drama was staged.

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