Tips to Take Care of Your Eyes Post-cataract Surgery

Last Update: February 23, 2023, 10:23 IST

After cataract surgery, it is common to have gritty, watery, blurred or double vision as well as a red or red eye.

After cataract surgery, it is common to have gritty, watery, blurred or double vision as well as a red or red eye.

Dr. Mahesha S., Chief Medical Officer, Cataract and Trauma, Sankara Eye Hospital, Shimoga, advises on eye care after cataract surgery

Taking care of your eyes is important to ensure good eye health and good vision after cataract surgery. Usually, you can go home after a short rest the same day of your surgery. However, if there are some complications, the doctor will advise you to stay. But this phenomenon is not common and most cataract operations are successful.

When you leave the hospital after surgery, you may be advised to place a pad and plastic shield over your treated eye and remove it the day after surgery. While your eyes can be expected to feel a few hours after surgery, it is also possible that it may take a few days to fully heal. As long as you follow the doctor’s advice, there should be no reason to panic.

Gritty, watery, blurred vision, double vision, red or red eyes are common after cataract surgery. But these effects are known to improve within a few days to weeks. If you need new glasses, you can use them after your eye has fully healed, usually after 2 to 6 weeks. Contact your eye surgery professional promptly if you experience:

  • loss of vision
  • increased pain and/or redness

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DOS and don’ts

In the first few weeks after surgery, follow this advice:

worth doing:

  1. take rest for the first 2 to 3 days
  2. use eye drops as directed
  3. Use your eye shield nightly for at least a week
  4. shower or bathe yourself as usual
  5. spend moderate amounts of time reading, watching TV, and using the computer
  6. It is necessary to wear eye shield while washing hair after 3 to 4 days
  7. If you are outside, use your shield or sunglasses outside
  8. don’t swim for the first 4 to 6 weeks
  9. Arrange for a caregiver until your vision returns, especially if you have poor vision in your other eye.

Do not do it

  1. Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  2. Make sure soap or shampoo is not allowed to get into your eyes
  3. drive only on the advice of a doctor
  4. avoid strenuous exercise or housework
  5. avoid eye makeup for at least 4 weeks
  6. don’t fly until you get the go-ahead from your doctor

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Other pre precautions after cataract surgery:

  1. Start giving drops the morning after the operation
  2. Use the drops only on the operated eye
  3. Wash your hands in a clean run before using your drops.
  4. Continue your eye drops as directed by your doctor.
  5. Continue other medications such as eye drops or tablets being used under the prescription of the ophthalmologist/doctor.

Care should be taken to clean your eye:

  1. boil water and let it cool
  2. wash your hands
  3. Dip cotton wool or clean gauze in cool boiled water
  4. wipe gently from the inside (near your nose) to the outer corner of your eye
  5. don’t wipe inside your eye
  6. Do not wash eyes with water
  7. do not press or rub your eye
  8. During the first 2 weeks, you may need to clean your eye twice a day as there may be slight stickiness from the drops and the healing process.

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Finally, it is important to know that cataract surgery has a high success rate in improving your vision and enabling you to return to normal activity sooner. Most of the people can recover soon if they follow the doctor’s advice and do not neglect the various steps to be taken to remove the cataract.

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