Those we trusted, didn’t stand with us when needed…: PM Modi in Papua New Guinea

by india today news deskIn an apparent jibe at developed nations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday highlighted that despite the Global South being the most vulnerable in the world, “those whom he trusted” did not offer him help in times of need. .

Speaking at the 3rd India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) summit in Papua New Guinea, PM Modi said, “Today we are witnessing disruption in supply chains of fuel, food, fertilizers and pharma. Those we trusted Didn’t stand together.” when we need to.”

He further said that the countries of the Global South have been the most affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Indian Prime Minister said, “Challenges related to climate change, natural disasters, hunger, poverty and health were already there. Now new problems are arising. Stand still.”

Read this also | PM Modi accorded warm welcome in Papua New Guinea as counterpart touches his feet

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape also lauded India’s leadership on the global stage as he thanked them for the support. Marape said, “We are victims of global power… You (Prime Minister Modi) are the leader of the Global South. We will stand by your (India) leadership in global forums.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is currently on a three-nation tour amid the ongoing G7 summit in Hiroshima. He arrived in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, on Sunday to host an important summit between India and 14 Pacific island nations aimed at boosting bilateral ties. This is his first visit to the country, and the first time that an Indian prime minister has visited the island nation.