‘Thor’ Chris Hemsworth shows off a no-equipment workout plan for a ripped physique

'Thor' Chris Hemsworth shows off a no-equipment workout plan for a ripped physique
Image Source: Instagram/chrismsworth

‘Thor’ Chris Hemsworth shows off a no-equipment workout plan for a ripped physique


  • Want a body like Chris Hemsworth and don’t know the perfect workout plan? The Thor Actor Is Here To Help
  • The biggest advantage of Chris Hemsworth’s routine is that it’s a no-equipment workout plan.
  • Chris will be building a big one in Thor: Love and Thunder and Extraction 2

Actor Chris Hemsworth has always been adored by fans for his amazing physique. For the upcoming films Thor: Love and Thunder, Extraction 2 and the Hulk Hogan biopic, Chris is putting in extra hours to produce a big one. In a latest video shared on social media, he showed his fans a ‘no equipment’ workout plan that targets the entire body and can be easily replicated by anyone who wants a ripped physique. Of course, consistency and the right technique are important.

In one video, Chris shows a five-exercise plan you need to do to work out the whole body. Exercises include—mountain climber switches, squats, plank shoulder taps, reverse lunges and cycle sit ups. Chris shows his fans and fellow fitness enthusiasts how to do the exercises correctly for maximum results and that each exercise requires sets and reps in a single workout cycle.

Take a look to be ripped like Chris.

Earlier, Chris had shared another no-equipment workout plan for his fans. This routine contained at least 10 exercises and would target the entire body in a single workout routine. This is a more advanced set of exercises and Chris also demonstrates the correct way to do each of them for maximum effect.

On the movies front, Chris will be seen in the much-awaited Marvel Studios film Thor: Love and Thunder co-starring Christian Bale, Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson. The film is releasing on 6th July. Chris is also set to return for the sequel to his blockbuster Netflix film Extraction.
