This Onion and Aloe Vera Hair Mask is the surest answer to your scalp woes

Summer season comes with a lot of frizzy and damaged hair. Dust, moisture and sweat make things worse for our hair, which loses its shine and ends up looking dull and lifeless. To overcome these problems, include onion and aloe vera in your hair care routine to improve the texture. It not only makes your hair shiny but also makes them strong. This is a quick DIY mask, which is made from aloe vera and onion, and proves to be effective in many ways.

How to Make Onion and Aloe Vera Hair Mask

Cut the onion into small pieces and grind it in a mixer grinder.
Take it out in a bowl and sieve it with a muslin cloth.
Add aloe vera gel to onion juice and mix well.
Apply this mixture on the scalp and massage with your fingers.
Leave this hair mask on for half an hour.
Then wash your hair with mild shampoo.

heals hair loss

Onion is rich in sulfur, which helps in increasing the protein of the hair. Keratin is an important component of hair proteins. Apart from this, protein is also needed to make new hair cells and repair damaged hair. Better flow of keratin in the hair proves effective in making the hair follicle healthy.

Provides nourishment to hair follicles

Onions contain antioxidant compounds, which work to inhibit the activities of free radicals. Free radicals are reactive molecules, which weaken hair cells and hair follicles. This increases oxidative stress and damages the hair. Sometimes they also cause inflammation in the scalp, due to which hair growth stops.

Cleanses the scalp:

Onion has anti-microbial properties that remove dandruff and infections on the scalp. It also helps in treating the problem of lice.

Aloe vera is beneficial:

Aloe vera gel helps in treating many types of hair problems. It has high moisture content, which helps in making the hair soft. In addition, it contains many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants that aid in the growth of long and strong hair.

,DisclaimerThe information in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi News18 does not confirm this. Please consult the concerned specialist before applying these.)

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