‘They went down’: How Boeing 737 pilots survived in air gap – Times of India

HONOLULU: Trouble began minutes after a Boeing 737 cargo ship towed the cargo from Honolulu to the nearby island of Maui at night.
As the 46-year-old jet boarded at the start of its scheduled 24-minute journey on Friday, one of its engines was cut. According to a recording of the air-traffic radio call posted by LiveATC.net, the relatively routine failure became stressful as Transair Flight 810 began to lose altitude while its flight crew attempted to return for landing.
“We’re about to lose the other engine too. It’s running very hot,” radioed one pilot. “We’re low on speed. It doesn’t look good.”
A controller at Daniel’s Inoue International Airport then told the crew that the airport fire department had been alerted.
“You have to tell the Coast Guard,” replied the pilot.
A few minutes later, the controller said, “It looks like they got into the water.”
This triggered a dramatic rescue off the coast of Oahu, as two pilots who had experienced a rare dual-engine failure struggled to survive.
US Coast Guard The 737 was located in a debris field at about 2:30 a.m. – about 50 minutes after the initial alert.
In an interview with Hawaii News Now, Lieutenant Gleb Borovok, a Coast Guard crew crew on the MH-65 Dolphin helicopter, said, “We saw a man for the first time waving his hand from the tail of the airplane.” “After that we saw another man floating on the bed of the cargo.”
Borovok and Lieutenant Alex Mead, said rescuers initially focused on the pilot clinging to the package, who flew the helicopter. But then the tail of the plane started sinking and pushed the person sitting there into the water. The helicopter deployed a swimmer and hoisted the TransAir pilot into it.
The TransAir Aviator on the package was towed by a Honolulu Fire Department rescue boat to a height of five feet (1.52 m) and winds of 17 mph (27 kph).
Both pilots were injured and taken to Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu. According to Hawaii News Now, one of them, who is 58, was in intensive care in critical condition. The other, 50, was in critical condition with “head injuries and multiple wounds”, the news outlet said.
The ill-fated Boeing 737-200 began its commercial life in 1975 carrying passengers for Pacific Western Airlines, which was new for decades. Max Passenger model which was grounded for 20 months after two fatal accidents. The emergency water landing from Hawaii is the second time this year an old 737 jet has been destroyed. In January, Srivijay Air The passenger plane crashed off the coast of Indonesia, killing all 62 people on board the 737-500.
America National Transportation Safety Board said he was sending a team of 10 investigators to the crash site in Hawaii. TransAir said it was working with federal officials to investigate the cause, while its “most immediate concern is the care and recovery of our partners.”
Boeing said it was in contact with safety officials, as did Pratt & Whitney, a division of Raytheon Technologies Corp., which supplied the JT8D engine used by the 737-200.
Boeing in New York fell 1.3% to $236.68. Raytheon climbed less than 1% to $86.70.
‘Are you able to climb?’
According to a track posted by flightradar24.com, Flight 810, branded as TransAir and operated by Rhodes Aviation Inc., took off for Kahului just after 1:30 a.m. local time and reached about 2,100 feet (640 m). Climbed on.
The aircraft made a right turn over the sea and about 11 minutes later ditched the water, headed back towards the airport. The track provided by FlightRadar24 does not show the normal altitude and speed of normal flight, suggesting that the pilots may be struggling to control the aircraft.
In the air-traffic recording, the controller initially tells the aircraft to “maintain 2,000 if that is the altitude of your choice” and asks for more information about their emergency.
One pilot replied that “that’s all good” and said he would provide “a little bit” of information.
But when he was at the height, the situation deteriorated rapidly. Apparently responding to a warning in the tower that the flight was too short, the controller asked, “Are you able to climb at all?”
“No, negative,” replied the pilot.
After initially advising the plane to return to Honolulu, they were told that they were “cleared to land on any runway,” with the controller telling them that Kalea Airport was close.
“We want the nearest airport runway,” replied one of the pilots.
Two calls to the crew from air traffic control then apparently went unanswered.
Suli Udaan
Engine failures that lead to the loss of a jet are extremely rare. The 737, like all twin-engined aircraft, is designed to fly on one turbofan if the other malfunctions, and maintenance programs are designed to ensure that the same problem does not occur on both engines at the same time. is.
Although it is not clear what happened with transair planeIf the aircraft loses both power plants, possible causes can range from a maintenance error to a fuel problem or a fault in how the pilots responded to the initial emergency.
The reason for the second engine overheating is not clear. Flying on one engine should not cause undue pressure on a functioning power plant, said Jeffrey Guzzetti, former head of accident investigation at the FAA.
Because dual-engine failures are so unlikely, investigators will want to look for any common issues that may play a role in each, Guzzetti said.
According to federal regulations, the jet is designed to be able to ditch in water and float for some time. In 2009, a US Airways jet crashed into a flock of birds in New York and both engines lost power – the plane that pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger famously landed on the Hudson River.
According to the engine manufacturer’s website, Pratt has produced more than 14,000 of its JT8D engines since the turbines entered service on the Boeing 727 in 1964. About 2,400 are still in use.
Transair began operations in 1982 and is said to provide the longest-running all-cargo service in Hawaii. It specializes in inter-island transportation between all major air destinations, according to its website.


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