These Vitamin E Sources Need To Be In Your Diet in 2023

Vitamin E Capsules, also known as Evion Capsules, are a treasure trove of health benefits.

Vitamin E Capsules, also known as Evion Capsules, are a treasure trove of health benefits.

Vitamin E has many benefits when it comes to skin, hair and muscles due to its antioxidant properties and ability to repair cells from the inside.

Taking care of your skin and hair should be a part of your New Year’s resolution this time too. But let’s be honest, it almost sounds like an unrealistic dream with several environmental factors like pollution, dynamic climate, and sun exposure making it impossible for skin and hair to thrive. While we take care of it externally, we often forget to treat it from within. It is extremely important for us to be mindful of our nutritional intake and ensure that our cells get the proper nutrition that they require.

Worry not, because Vitamin E can be your best friend. Vitamin E has many benefits when it comes to skin, hair and muscles due to its antioxidant properties as well as its ability to repair and restore cells from the inside out. Including Vitamin E rich foods and supplements like Evion in our diet helps us to improve the health of our skin and hair in many ways.

Dr. Sachin Pawar, Head of Medical Affairs, P&G Health, shares why you should include the following vitamin E sources in your diet:

wheat germ oil

This by-product of wheat is an excellent source of Vitamin E which should be a part of your diet this year. This oil contains omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants that help with damaged skin. It boosts collagen production which further prevents the formation of wrinkles and delays the aging process of the skin.

The presence of antioxidant properties in wheat germ oil helps prevent oxidative damage and lowers the risk of chronic diseases. Oxidative stress occurs in the body when there is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants that result in damaged cells and contribute to aging. Adding wheat germ oil to your diet can help prevent this damage.

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Do you remember how your mother used to leave soaked almonds for you overnight and tell you that it helps with memory? Well, a handful of almonds can work wonders for us as it is rich in magnesium, vitamin E, iron and is a good source of fiber for our body. This cholesterol-free dry fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals that keep many health risks at bay.

Studies conducted in the past suggest that consumption of almonds has many health benefits such as changes in glucose levels, prevention of chronic diseases and obesity, and may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Eating almonds on the go will help you control your recommended dietary intake of vitamin E.

Sunflower seeds

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, you will be surprised to know the health benefits of sunflower seeds. It contains all the essential nutrients which help in boosting our immune system and reducing the risk of heart diseases and preventing high blood pressure.

When added to your oatmeal or salad, roasted sunflower seeds may help reduce inflammation because the presence of certain plant compounds along with vitamin E help toward lower levels of inflammation.


This green leafy vegetable contains potassium, iron, vitamins E, C and magnesium which makes it a super food. No matter how it is made in the kitchen, spinach helps promote healthy skin and improve vision.

Spinach helps prevent oxidative damage to the cells of the body. Just a half-cup of spinach can add up to 13% of your daily recommended value for vitamin E consumption.


You have been eating peanuts for so long without knowing about the nutritional benefits. Peanuts are a great source of Vitamin E. It contains all the vitamins and minerals required by the body. It can be consumed in organic form like peanuts or even in the form of peanut butter. But remember, it is best for your health to consume it in its raw form without added sugar or preservatives.

While it can be challenging to get the ideal daily recommended vitamins and other nutrients from our diet alone, we can opt for supplements to fill in these nutrient gaps in our diets. “For example, consuming vitamin E supplements such as Evion can be beneficial for our skin, hair and cells. It promotes healthy cell growth by repairing damaged cells and reducing oxidative stress which helps in maintaining youthfulness of skin and hair,” says Dr. Pawar.

Say hello to healthy skin, hair and muscles by including these Vitamin E rich foods in your diet!

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