These home remedies can help in removing the problem of bleeding gums

Oral health is sometimes overlooked, yet it is important to keep your mouth, teeth and gums clean to avoid illness. However, most people fail to do so, leading to a variety of problems including gum diseases. Bleeding gums is one of the most common dental complaints. If you are also facing gum problem, then you are likely to have a moderate form of gingivitis. Bleeding gums are highly prevalent and because it is so common that people usually do not take it seriously.

Simple changes to your normal brushing and flossing practice can stop bleeding gums. You can also opt for these home remedies which can be of use to you.

Vitamin C and K

Consuming foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin K can help boost your immunity and fight gum diseases. Add additional greens and vegetables such as carrots, limes, spinach and kale to your diet.

clove oil

Clove oil is considered to be one of the most effective home remedies for bleeding gums. Rub a few drops of clove oil on your gums or chew on one or two cloves. You may experience a slight burning sensation, but it will reduce the swelling significantly.


Turmeric is one such spice that is easily available at home and can be used to treat a variety of ailments. Apply turmeric directly on the gums that are infected. Turmeric is antimicrobial and has wound-healing properties, which are useful in case of swollen and bleeding gums.

rinse with salt water

Salt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help reduce infections that cause bleeding gums. All you need is hot water and salt; Mix the two and carefully wash your mouth with the liquid. It should be used at least twice a day.

oil pulling

Oil pulling is a technique in which you swirl some oil in your mouth to help fight the infection that causes your gums to bleed. Brush your teeth with coconut oil or sesame oil to keep dangerous microorganisms away.

aloe vera

Aloe vera has many medicinal properties, one of which is that it reduces inflammation of the gums. Massage a small amount of aloe vera pulp on your gums. Allow the pulp to settle on your gums before cleaning your mouth.

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