These five dry fruits and nuts can increase hemoglobin in your diet immediately

iron deficiency: All the nutrients are very important to keep the body fit. If there is a deficiency of any one nutrient, then it starts causing problems for the body.

Iron is important for making hemoglobin — the iron-rich protein present in blood cells — in the body. Since hemoglobin provides oxygen to all the organs of the body, it is increased through the enrichment of iron in the body.

A healthy diet can increase the amount of iron in your body. Therefore, non-vegetarian, seafood, green leafy vegetables and dry fruits and nuts should be eaten to increase hemoglobin. It fulfills the iron deficiency in your body.

Today we will mention 5 nuts which will fulfill your iron deficiency and increase your hemoglobin instantly.

Dried fruits and nuts rich in iron

1- Cashew Nuts: If you are deficient in iron then you must consume it. Cashews are rich in iron and a handful of them contain about 1.89mg of iron. Therefore, instead of eating junk food when you are hungry for snacks, eat a handful of cashews. It will also quench your appetite and provide nutrients to the body.

2- Almond- Almonds are said to be a treasure trove of nutrients. Eating soaked almonds daily gives many benefits to the body. If you eat about a handful of almonds, it contains about 1.05 milligrams of iron. Many people also eat almond milk and almond butter. You must include almonds in your diet.

3- Walnut- Walnuts are considered one of the most nutritious nuts. It is also advised to eat walnuts to sharpen the mind. If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin, then you must eat walnuts daily. You get about 0.82 mg of iron from a handful of walnuts.

4- Pistachio- Everyone likes pistachios. Many people eat pistachios as a snack. Pistachios enhance both taste and beauty in sweets. If you are iron deficient then you should eat pistachios. About a handful of pistachios contains 1.11 milligrams of iron. Therefore, you should also include pistachios in your daily diet.

5- Peanuts- If you cannot eat more dry fruits, then include peanuts in your diet. You can eat peanuts in any way. With this, along with iron, the deficiency of many other nutrients in the body will also be fulfilled. About a handful of peanuts contains 1.3 milligrams of the mineral. That’s why you must eat peanuts.

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