These daily foods may increase the risk of heart diseases

Choosing options to avoid any health related problems has become a trend nowadays. According to studies, consuming high amounts of salt, sugar and refined carbs can increase the risk of heart disease.

This list can help you become aware of these daily eating habits that may be hurting you.

1. Cereals

Even your regular breakfast food that seems like a perfect addition to your balanced diet, such as sugar-laden cereals, can pose a risk to your health. According to reports, consuming carbohydrates and sugar in the morning can lead to bloating and will make you crave more sugar throughout the day.

2. Fresh Juice

Yes, in summer you crave for those fresh juices, and most of us consume them in place of sugar. But most juice centers or eateries add refined sugar to fresh sugar. The best way to keep them is homemade by you.

3. Chinese Takeout

After a trying day at work, Chinese takeout is your dinner. Dumplings and flavored Manchurian balls with fried rice are tempting but the food contains huge amounts of salt, fat and sugar which can raise your high blood pressure and increase your risk of heart attack.

4. Potato Chips

You need chips to eat when you binge, but those processed potato chips aren’t the friend of your healthy eating plan. They are high in calories, sodium and fat. They may be delicious but not for your heart.

5. Ketchup

Ketchup or tomato sauce is a friend with your samosas, french fries and as a side dip, you want. But it’s likely to be loaded with sodium.

6. White Bread

Consumption of traditional white bread can lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes. It is rich in starch which can cause problems like bloating, constipation and acid reflux in the stomach. According to reports, white bread is quickly absorbed and digested which causes blood sugar to rise rapidly.

These are some of the daily foods which if you consume daily can lead to heart attack or stroke.

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