These benefits of banana will compel you to include the fruit in your diet.

The banana produced in the genus Musa is an important fruit crop grown in the world (Image: Shutterstock)

Bananas, loved around the world for their taste and nutritional value, are consumed in a variety of ways.

The banana, which originated in the genus Musa, is an important fruit crop grown in the world. Loved around the world for their taste and nutritional value, they are consumed in a variety of ways. They can be used to flavor muffins and cakes. Among its varieties, Cavendish bananas are mostly imported by non-tropical countries.

In this article, we are listing down the ways in which bananas help us in our daily lives.

Lowers blood sugar level

Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. Raw bananas also contain resistant starch which is not digested by our body. These two types of fiber together reduce the blood sugar level in your body. Consuming two bananas in a day can also reduce blood pressure levels.

good for your heart

Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium is important for our heart and also helps in lowering blood pressure. One medium-sized banana can provide 10 percent of our daily potassium requirement.

beneficial for your skin

You will be surprised to know that banana peel is also very beneficial. If you are facing the problem of acne and skin infections, then you simply massage the banana peel on your face and body regularly for five minutes. Troubled by those dark circles that spoil the beauty of your eyes, banana peel again comes to your rescue. All you have to do is mix the peel with aloe vera gel and keep it under your eyes for an entire night or an hour.

a mood enhancer

Serotonin helps regulate mood. When serotonin levels are at a normal level, we feel more emotionally stable and focused. Banana helps to increase this neurotransmitter. It is rich in tryptophan which converts to serotonin. Bananas also contain vitamin B6 and magnesium which help promote good sleep. Thus promoting good memory level.

Helps against stomach ulcers

Banana also helps protect against stomach ulcers by thickening the protective mucus barrier in the stomach. It can also prevent damage caused by hydrochloric acid.

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