These 6 Steps Will Provide You With A Good Night’s Sleep

Good sleep is necessary to refresh the body.

Good sleep is necessary to refresh the body.

Finding efficient ways to get quality sleep is very important because lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health problems.

In today’s run-of-the-mill life, many people struggle with sleep problems due to mental stress and many other reasons. Finding efficient ways to get quality sleep is very important because lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health problems. One such technique is the famous method used by the United States Navy Pre Flight School to help pilots sleep for no more than two minutes. This strategy is so effective that it enables people to fall asleep easily even when gunshots are heard. So today we are going to examine each of the six phases of this military technology:

1. Relax your face: First of all, close your eyes. Take a deep breath slowly. Then slowly relax every muscle of the face. Relax your mouth, tongue, cheeks and jaw. Now exhale slowly.

2. Lower your shoulders and hands: Now release your tension. Feel yourself sinking into the chair or bed and you loosen up your neck and traps. Then, relax your biceps, forearms and hands, starting with the top of your right arm. Repeat in opposite direction. During this, take deep and slow breaths.

3. Exhale and relax your chest: Exhale slowly and relax the pressure in your chest. Do the same with your shoulders and arms.

4. Relax your legs: Starting with your right leg, right thigh. Let it sink into the bed. Now relax your calf, ankle and foot. Repeat the same process with your left leg.

5. Clear Your Thoughts Now Of course, staying unfocused is challenging. If this happens to you too, try to imagine something. Choose a soothing activity. Imagine yourself napping peacefully in the dark.

6. Repeat this word: For 10 seconds, try repeating the word “don’t think” out loud. This will distract you from whatever is keeping you from sleeping.