The Shocking Ways Watching Porn Affects Your Physical and Mental Health! | The Times of India

You are advised to reduce the time you watch porn in order to have a healthy relationship. This will help you not to believe in misconceptions about sex. Also, remember that porn can never be a means to educate yourself about sex and intimacy.

Many people already suffer from humiliation and sadness as a result of pornography. Resuming a social life can be difficult if a person’s pornography habit has reduced their desire to be social. Fortunately, social media can help you reconnect with old friends. Make it a long-term goal for healthy love relationships and transformation into friendships.

You have to analyze and differentiate what is healthy and unhealthy for your brain and feed it accordingly.

For those who struggle with porn every night, make a habit of making a list of everything you need to do the next day before you go to sleep every night. Try to eliminate everything on the to-do list. Whatever is left is added to the to-do list for the next day. Reward yourself for eventually crossing off items on your to-do list. Of course, the prize may not be obscene, but it should be something worthwhile.


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