The Mughal Gardens of Rashtrapati Bhavan open to the public: The faces of the people blossomed after seeing the colorful flowers, for the sight reaching from far and wide

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  • Rashtrapati Bhavan Mughal Garden Open Update; Check Entry Guidelines, Online Booking Details

New Delhi8 minutes ago

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The Mughal Gardens located in Rashtrapati Bhavan has been opened to the public from February 12. It was closed due to Corona. Like last year, this time too tickets will have to be booked online for entry in it. The Garden has been opened till March 16.

People will get entry in the Garden from 10 am to 4 pm. One hour is being given to roam. Apart from this, only 100 people will be able to go inside at a time. In the whole day, only about 700 people will get entry in the garden. The Garden will be closed on Monday.

This year also, entry will not be given to children below 10 years and people above 65 years of age in the Mughal Gardens. The administration has taken this decision due to Corona. Apart from this, people coming here will have to follow the Corona guidelines.

President Ram Nath Kovind often visits the Mughal Gardens with his wife. On Saturday also both of them showed colorful flowers.

The first President of the country, Dr. Rajendra Prasad had opened this garden for the common people, since then this garden is opened to the public every year in the spring.

You will find different types of flowers in the Mughal Gardens. It includes a variety of flowers including Tulip, Mogra-Motia, Rajni Gandha, Bela, Queen of the Night, Juhi, Champa-Jasmine.

It also has a Rose Garden, which attracts people. There are about 135 varieties of roses in it.

Inside the garden, where flowers will be seen on one side, on the other hand colorful fountains will also fascinate you.

You can take a mobile phone to the garden. Apart from this, things like water bottle, handbag, weapon, camera, umbrella, food items, radio are not allowed inside.

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