The makers revealed, the spin-off of ‘Stranger Things’ will be different from everyone…

New Delhi: A Stranger Things spin-off could be on its way very soon, as producers and showrunners Matt and Ross Duffer recently confirmed that a “version” of it is in development.

“A version of this is being developed in parallel (until season 5), but they’re never going to shoot it in parallel. I think we’re going to start focusing on that really soon, as soon as we get these visual effects. We’re finishing up, Matt and I are going to be involved,” Ross reportedly told Deadline. “The reason we didn’t do anything is because you don’t want to do it for the wrong reasons,” Matt said, and it was like, ‘Is this something I want to make even though I belong to Stranger Things. For or not?’ And of course. Even if we removed the Stranger Things title, I’d be pretty excited about it. But it’s not… it’s going to be different than anyone expected, including Netflix. “

Fans of the successful horror/science-fiction series are currently looking forward to the last two big episodes of the fourth season.

When season five was announced as the final of the series, the Duffers did not officially announce a spinoff, but they did tease that “there are still many more exciting stories to tell within the world of Stranger Things.” Mysteries, new adventures, new unexpected heroes.”

According to Deadline, the idea of ​​a spin-off was put on hold until actor Finn Wolfhard proposed an idea that struck the Duffers as something they wanted to explore.

“Finn Wolfhard, he wasn’t doing spitball, he just went, ‘I think this would be a good spin-off, and we were like, ‘How in the world,'” Ross recalled the moment when The actor correctly guessed that there would be a new series.