The Lazy Man’s Guide to Relieving Neck and Back Pain

Back and neck pain are two of the most common problems that everyone working from home is facing during the pandemic. The first step to prevent this pain is to have good posture and stretch at regular intervals.

While there are many asanas that help reduce this type of pain, the easiest asanas that you can do while sitting in your chair or in the general vicinity of your desk are as follows.

neck rotation: While breathing normally, move your neck slowly. First, move in a clockwise motion and then in a counterclockwise motion. This will relieve stress instantly and refresh you for a few extra hours of looking at the laptop and working. You can do a very similar thing for the shoulders called a shoulder roll, in which you rotate your shoulders first in a clockwise direction and then counterclockwise a few times.

Backbend and Forward Bend Stretch: Sitting for a long time can aggravate pre-existing back or neck pain. Therefore, it is recommended that you take regular breaks from work and do some back bending and forward bending stretches. As is self-explanatory from the names, the backbend stretch involves interlocking your fingers and then raising your hands palms up and then trying to bend your upper body back without moving your legs. On the other hand, while leaning forward one has to touch his toes with both the hands. If you can’t touch the toes, that’s fine too, as long as you lean forward in your lower back.

butterfly wings: This is also an easy and lazy way to get rid of your back pain. In this exercise, sit straight but do not sit hard on your chair and touch your shoulders with your fingers. Keep your elbows to the sides. Then with the movement of your elbows make small circles on both sides. Do this five times in a clockwise direction and then five times in a counterclockwise order.

Shrug shoulders: The shoulder shrug alleviates any problems in the trapezius muscles and can be done while sitting in your chair, shrugging emails you still have to answer, and Zoom calls you don’t want to attend. Slowly bring your shoulders up to your ears, hold for a few seconds and then slowly let the shoulders return to their position. And refrigerate for a few seconds and repeat the same motion a few times.

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