The first school will be opened in the tea gardens of Assam: For the first time after independence, the gardens will get the school, education will start in 97 schools on Wednesday

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Assam’s Tea Gardens Get First High Schools| After 75 Years Of India Independent| 97 High Schools Start Their First Education Session

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After the announcement of the Assam government, the first high school in the tea gardens will open on Tuesday. This will be the first time in 75 years of India’s independence that the tea gardens of Assam will get the first school. This is being considered a historic decision of the Assam government. According to the state government, a total of 119 schools will open in the gardens, of which 97 high schools will start their first education session on May 10.

The remaining 22 schools are being constructed in different phases. It is expected that next year by 2023, education session will be started in these schools also.

Proposal to open 119 schools in 200 tea gardens
In the state budget of 2017-18, the Assam government had proposed to open 119 high schools in 200 tea gardens. According to a news website, in the year 2020, the Government of Assam had established the Primary Development Fund for schools. For this, a total cost of Rs 142.50 crore was earmarked for the construction of these schools to the state PWD. In this, a work of Rs 1.19 crore was assigned to each of the schools.

Many children are made illegally in the tea gardens of Assam.  -file photo

Many children are made illegally in the tea gardens of Assam. -file photo

80% children working in gardens deprived of right to education
According to the Plantation Labor Act 1951, it is the responsibility of the management of tea gardens to provide lower primary education (classes 1-5) to the children of 6 to 12 years of age, but the management has a very lax attitude on this. According to a report by the Assam State Child Rights Protection System (ASCPCR), at least 80% of the children being deprived of the right to education are being illegally made to work in tea gardens.

According to the Assam government, 81 model high schools will be set up in the tea garden areas.

According to the Assam government, 81 model high schools will be set up in the tea garden areas.

Assam government’s plan to open schools in every assembly constituency
Last month, the Chief Minister had said that the government was planning to provide mid-day meals to the students of the schools in the morning besides breakfast. He said that the State Government is going to set up 81 Model High Schools in the tea garden areas and these will be upgraded to Higher Secondary level.

Sarma had said that the state government wanted to develop it as a successful model for the rest of the country. According to the CM, the government is working towards setting up a model school in each assembly constituency.

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