The Dussehra incident in Amritsar was saved by the end of it: the train arrived at Joda Phatak and the gateman kept sleeping; When people woke up, the gate was closed in a hurry

Amritsar6 hours ago

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In Amritsar district of Punjab, another incident like the Dussehra accident in 2018 was averted by Sunday morning. The third anniversary of the Joda Phatak train accident is about to come, but the railway personnel are still not deterred from being negligent in the course of their duty. For the second time in the month of September, the negligence of the gate man has come to the fore. If the sleeping gate man was not picked up by the people standing near the gate, then a big accident could have happened again. When people asked the gate man the reason for his negligence, he started making excuses.

The gate opened and the speeding train was coming.

The gate opened and the speeding train was coming.

this was the case
The incident happened at Joda Phatak at 5.30 am on Sunday. This is the same pair gate, where a major accident took place on the day of Dussehra in 2018. In which 59 people were killed and around 150 people were injured. On Sunday morning, a train coming from Jalandhar reached near Joda Phatak. But the gate man did not even close the gate.

When people peeped into the gate man’s room, he was sleeping. When he picked it up, he came out in a hurry and started giving advice to the people. First said that the train is bad, will not come. But when the train honked, he immediately closed the gate. Even after this, he did not hesitate to hide his mistake and started saying, the gate itself is bad, it does not close. A young man standing there made a video of this whole incident.

Gateman giving advice to people.

Gateman giving advice to people.

Similar incident happened on September 1, demand for investigation

Local people told that these accidents happen every day at Joda Phatak. But the railway department is not taking any strict steps. The same thing happened on 1st September. The gate remained open and three trains passed through the gate. The local people said that they want investigation in this matter and strict action also. If this does not happen, then in the coming times, the people living near Joda Phatak may have to see the time of sorrow once again.

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