The Bihar government’s move to appoint teachers for the success of the prohibition law is being opposed. Patna News – Times of India

Patna : nitish kumar government In A state in Eastern India The storm is eyeing a message calling on government school teachers to do their bit to stop violations of the state’s stringent liquor prohibition law.
A notification was issued by the education department to officials across the state on Friday, ordering that teaching staff of schools be sensitized about “de-addiction” and violations of the ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol. Information sharing should be encouraged, which has been in force for about six years.
The communication assures that the identities of the whistleblower teachers will not be disclosed. Teachers have also been asked to ensure that school premises do not end up as a haven for illicit liquor trade.
The development has sparked outrage from opposition parties, who have slammed the government for harassing teachers with yet another non-teaching task.
The Congress spokesperson said, “A few years back, teachers were told to ensure that people do not defecate in the open and shame the government on its dubious open defecation free claims. Now they have come up with another folly. The Congress spokesperson said. Asit Tiwari,
RJD chief spokesperson and MLA Bhai Virendra Called the order “tughlaqi” (arbitrary) and one that could endanger the lives of teachers by bringing them into direct conflict with the powerful “liquor mafia”.
Teachers seem to agree with this view. Ashwini Pandey, spokesperson of a teachers’ union, issued a video statement to this effect.
“The Right to Education Act It states that teachers should not be made to perform non-academic tasks. The government is requested to withdraw this order”, Pandey said.
The ruling NDA has speculated that the opposition is angry and has accused the opposition of creating a ruckus.
BJP spokesperson Prem Ranjan Patel said, “Teachers have a very important role in shaping the society. If they are asked to join the fight against alcoholism, which is a social evil, there is nothing wrong in it. ”
Former minister Neeraj Kumar, who is an MLC and chief minister’s JD(U) spokesperson, accused the opposition of misleading the people by calling the order “arbitrary”.
Kumar asked, “What is arbitrary in this? Have the teachers been threatened with any disciplinary action? Have the teachers not played a key role in making the human chain in support of prohibition a success?”
The tragedies of spurious liquor have claimed the lives of more than 50 people in half a dozen districts since November last year, after which there has been a stir in the government.
