The 100-day war has put Ukraine’s health system under severe strain: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday that Ukraine’s health system is under “severe pressure” after the Hundred Days War. It also said it has increased its presence in Ukraine and countries hosting displaced Ukrainians to help meet growing health needs.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “This war has lasted 100 days, shattering lives and communities, and jeopardizing the short- and long-term health of the people of Ukraine.” “WHO is doing everything we can to support Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and deliver essential medical supplies and equipment. But the one medicine that Ukraine needs the most is the one the WHO cannot give peace. We call on the Russian Federation to end the war, ”he said.

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attack on health workers

The war has increased the need for health care while reducing the system’s ability to provide services, especially in areas of active conflict. As of June 2, there have been 269 verified attacks on health workers, killing at least 76 people and injuring 59.

“In the 100 Days of War, there have been more than 260 verified attacks on health care in Ukraine. These attacks are not justified, they never heal, and they must be investigated. No health care professional is at knife-edge. But this is what nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, medical teams in Ukraine are doing,” said Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe.

“I have had the privilege of meeting many health workers during my two trips to Ukraine since the war began. They are keeping vital services and hope alive amidst incredible pain and suffering, and we salute them,” he said.

Some health facilities have been destroyed, while others are overwhelmed by people caring for trauma and injuries directly as a result of the war. WHO has set up centers in areas close to conflict, such as Dnipro, for faster access to areas of greatest need.

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Who tries in Ukraine

“WHO is committed to addressing urgent health challenges in Ukraine now and in the long term and supporting the rebuilding of the health system. We are redeploying teams across the country as access and security improve,” Jarno Habich, WHO’s representative in Ukraine, said. “Health – mental and physical – should be at the heart of Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction plans,” he said.

To achieve this, WHO has launched an updated appeal for $147.5 million to support Ukraine’s deteriorating humanitarian need, provide urgent healthcare, and help the health system remain resilient longer. Of this, $80 million is needed for in-country aid, such as distributing medicines and providing vital health services, and $67.5 million is needed for countries that receive and host refugees. This includes Poland, the Czech Republic, Moldova and Romania.

War has caused a huge increase in psychological harm and distress. Across the country, health care professionals report that the most common requests now are for help dealing with sleeplessness, anxiety, bereavement and psychological issues. WHO is working with the office of Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska to develop a nationwide mental health program that is accessible to all.

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WHO has responded to the changed health needs in Ukraine by increasing the number of staff and resupply systems, including its logistics system. This has enabled the delivery of over 543 MT of medical supplies and equipment in the country. These are being distributed mostly in the East, South and North regions where they are needed the most at present. Supplies provided include trauma surgery supplies, ambulances, Ukrainian-made ventilators that can operate even when there is a power failure, electric generators and oxygen equipment including construction of oxygen plants to help hospitals function autonomously. to do.

Since February 24, WHO has trained more than 1300 health workers to deal with the effects of war-trauma surgery, mass casualties, burns and chemical exposure.

Simultaneously, WHO is working with the Public Health Center of Ukraine to strengthen disease surveillance and laboratory diagnostics. It is also working with local authorities to build vaccination programs and essential health services. To complement the health system, WHO is working with more than 40 emergency medical teams.