‘Real-life elements beyond genetics’: An interview with Gila Green

With a Good Eye, the title of Canadian-Israeli author Gila Green’s novel, alludes to a…

Love After Divorce: Understanding Traumas Role In Romantic Relationships, Expert Shares Guidance

Romantic relationships can be deeply affected by past psychological, and emotional trauma and it also impacts…

A New AI Algorithm To Identify The Risk Of Childbirth PTSD

A novel artificial intelligence (AI) model may now help identify signs of childbirth-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder…

Trauma can lead to exaggerated neurological reactions from perceived threats – study

The brain is unique in that it changes constantly as when we learn – which…

The battlefield post-Gaza is mental health

I remember the fateful day in April of 2021 when I first saw The Jerusalem…

Israel needs more mental health services in English

The data about suicide in Israel is perplexing, without clear trends that help provide direction…

Israeli health system prepares for largest post-trauma wave in history

Israel is confronting the most severe mental trauma wave since its founding, according to psychiatry…

Israel must be prepared to take care of the wounded from the Hamas war

The numbers coming out are terrifying. According to the Defense Ministry, more than 6,000 members…

IDF fighter injures fellow soldiers after waking up from Gaza nightmare

An IDF fighter staying in a military-affiliated Ashkelon resort fired wildly upon waking up from…

Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse: Possible Psychological Impact On Trapped Workers And Steps To Take – Expert Speaks

In a traumatising experience, 40 workers got trapped after a portion of a tunnel under construction…