Thane: Weak and sick pedigree dogs rescued from pet feeding facility in Kalyan. Thane News – Times of India

Thane: Acting on information of a concerned citizen and complaint filed by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, with Thane-Rural Police at Padgha Map India seizes three weak and hungry women pedigree dogs – a Doberman, a Rottweiler, and a Boxer – from an illegal ‘pet’ boarding facility in Bapgaon, Welfare, on Thursday.
Facility is not registered with Maharashtra State Animal Welfare Board. The police and the rescue team of PETA India found these young dogs, aged 1 to 1.5 years, in pathetic conditions, including being constantly caged, starved and not providing the necessary treatment for heavy tick infestation. He was also suffering from anemia.
Fearing legal action, the facility’s owner submitted a consent form to the police, releasing the animals to PETA India, while agreeing not to keep any other dogs in the facility.
“We are grateful to Thane-Rural Police for taking prompt action to save these dogs,” said Dr Rashmi Gokhale, manager, Veterinary Services, PETA India. “We urge everyone looking for a sitter to choose a trusted friend or relative for their dog, and when seeking help from a boarding facility, to visit, to obtain references and to make sure It is essential that your dog will not be held captive or otherwise abused,” she said.
Senior Thane-Rural Police officer Dinesh Katke along with animal rights activists led the operation at the pet feeding facility. The three rescued dogs are currently undergoing medical examination and are being treated at a veterinary unit in Mumbai. Activists said it was sad to see how lean and frail these animals were at the time of rescue.
The continuous confinement of dogs is a clear violation of Section 11 (g) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960 and Rule 24 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Breeding and Marketing of Dogs) Rules, 2017. Not providing sufficient food to an animal is an offense punishable under section 11(1)(h) of the PCA Act, and as per section 11(1)(k), it is an instance of cruelty if an aggrieved animal is provided necessary Maintains without veterinary care. The 2017 rule prohibits any breeder, including a boarding kennel operator, housing dogs unless such establishment is registered with a state animal welfare board.
PETA India, whose motto reads in part, “animals are not ours to be abused in any way”, is to stop buying puppies and kittens from people and instead adopt an animal companion or shelter from the community. is requesting. Pedigree dogs sold by pet stores and breeders are usually deprived of proper veterinary care, adequate food, exercise, affection and socialization. Because they are bred to have some exaggerated physical traits, such as long ears or a sloping back, many exotic dog breeds – including the boxer, German shepherd and pug – suffer from unusually high rates of genetic and hereditary diseases . Common diseases found in purebred dogs include breathing problems, cancer, heart disease, bleeding disorders, skeletal malformations and eye problems. In contrast, Indian community dogs are healthier and stronger.


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