Texas Shooting Survivor Blooded Himself, Played Dead: Parents

The parents of a survivor of a Texas school shooting said he smeared himself with blood to play dead and escape the shooter.

Texas School Shooting

A woman cries and hugs a young girl on the phone outside the Willie de Leon Civic Center (AFP)

The parents of an 11-year-old student said she played dead bodies and smeared her body with blood to escape the bloody massacre that unfolded on Wednesday.

Mia Cerillo, an 11-year-old student at a Texas elementary school where 19 students and two teachers were murdered, smeared blood on her body to convince the gunman that she was also dead. The fourth grade student was called ‘survivor mode’ by her aunt after she saw her friend fatally shoot her inside the classroom.

She even managed to get her dead teacher’s phone to call 911 and ask for help before playing dead. Several pieces of bullets were left on Mia’s back.

“My sister-in-law said that she saw her friend lying in a pool of blood, and he took the blood and put it on herself,” said her aunt.

Read also | Texas shooting: Father of 9-year-old victim says she was tough minded, always wanted to help those in need

Even as she survived the shooting, one of the deadliest mass shootings in America, her family said the experience traumatized her and even terrorized her on the night of the incident. had a stroke.

The survivor’s father, Miguel Cerillo, told the media that when he arrived at the school he saw a police officer carrying his bloodied daughter out of the building. He was then put on the school bus but his father was not allowed to accompany him.

But he could talk to her from the window. He told his father what he had seen.

The New York Post reported that the fourth grader told her father “she saw her teacher Eva Miracles shoot her as she was holding her phone, Cerillo reported. Mia grabbed Miracles’ phone and tried to dial 911.” Used it for that.”

When the gunman shot his friend, he decided to lie on top of the girl and play dead, bleeding profusely.

After being released by the police, he was treated at a local hospital and released.