Ten hidden secrets to boosting your marriage and getting you back into the ‘honeymoon phase’

let's talk sex

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian homes. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends.

To dispel widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’ every Friday. We hope to start the conversation about sex and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance through this column.

The column is being written by Sexologist Prof (Dr) Summary Jain. In today’s column, Dr. Jain explains the easiest ways through which you can make your married life more spicy, and get back in the honeymoon phase.

Everything seems perfect at the beginning of any good marriage. You and your spouse agree on life goals and plans, you choose to spend a lot of time with each other, and you both exude happiness and joy. But as married life progresses, the responsibilities of children, bills and endless day-to-day tasks start coming into the center, and your relationship is taken over by mundane life. As a result, you struggle to maintain your initial state of excitement and love before the first few years.

The truth is that every marriage needs thrills, surprises, a boost of love, and some extra warmth once in a while to keep the relationship alive. Hence, we have compiled a list of ten most essential things that can bring back the spark in your relationship.

express your love often

No matter how long you two have been in a relationship, never stop expressing your love to your significant other. Make it a daily habit to tell your partner how much you love him or her. Plus, phrases like ‘I love you’ and ‘I care for you’ can make both of you feel more connected and make your relationship great. Therefore, expressing your passion often is undoubtedly an easy way to spice up your marriage.

Know your partner’s love language

This is a very important point on how to spice up your wedding. Love languages ​​are the ways people give and receive love, and each person has a different style of doing so. That is why it is important that you familiarize yourself with the likes and dislikes of your partner and know his love language. Also, it’s important to remember, the way we want to show love isn’t always what our partners want to receive, so it’s essential to love them the way they want to be loved.

show some appreciation

One way to boost your marriage is to come up with a grateful ritual. It’s time to go back to basics and start incorporating “thank you” into your daily dialogue more deliberately. And whenever you can, show each other that your lives have changed for the better because you have found each other. Remember that the magic word “thank you” works wonders.

frequent hugs

Don’t underestimate the power of touch. If you’re not an affectionate couple, it’s time to re-touch and spice it up in your relationship. Whether it’s a long hug, a hug to watch your favorite show together, caressing your partner’s hair, getting a nice massage, or playing footsie under the table while you eat, they’re sure to give your relationship steam. Huh.

date each other

Once you get into the routine of being together it’s easy to stop going on dates. But make it a regular point to go on actual planned dates. Clear your schedule and create a quick weekend getaway – time to picnic at the beach, to see a movie, or tour your city, or even to go out for coffee on a weekend morning Remove.


Ask your partner more questions that lead to genuine and deep discussions. The questions don’t have to be deep and can be as mundane as, ‘How was your day?’ or ‘What are you thinking?’ If you never share how you feel, you can’t expect the other person to know or understand how or what you think. Therefore, communicating better is an essential step in promoting your marriage.

take a romantic bath together

Taking a shower together is another important lesson in how to make your wedding fun. Your bath time, I believe, has always been the most private time of your life, and letting your partner share that personal time with you means that you guys are sharing all aspects of yourself. It brings a dash of excitement to your relationship and helps keep it romantic and fun as you explore your partner’s body in all its glory.

have fun outside the bedroom

When was the last time you and your spouse played or participated in an activity together? Do you remember the last time you had some fun together? If the answer is no, it’s time to go on an adventure. Share sports and adventures with your spouse. Do whatever makes you happy and have fun while it’s with you. These types of activities may not seem very valuable, but they help to connect the couple emotionally.

get intimate

The newlyweds know that a night of passion can do wonders for their well-being and relationship, but over the years, sex takes a back seat as the responsibility and work pile up. Therefore, to rekindle this spark, it is necessary that sex should be given priority in our life.

Not only that, try new things in bed. We don’t always know what we like, so don’t put anything off until you try it.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

This last note on how to make your marriage fun, will make you feel great and tell you how far you have come with your partner. Flip the photo book together, or remember all the beautiful moments you’ve shared in the past. The connection and intimacy you felt with your partner in the past may reappear in your life if you revisit those moments together.

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