Libya capital remains tense a day after clashes kill over 30 – Times of India

CAIRO: Militias patrolled nearly deserted streets in Libya‘s capital Sunday, a day after clashes killed over…

Deadly clashes kill 1, shake Libyan capital as political crisis deepens – Times of India

TRIPOLI: Rival armed groups exchanged gunfire in the Libyan capital Saturday, killing at least one person…

Preventing rips by means of Libyan capital, killing 13 – Occasions of India

TRIPOLI: Rival factions fought one another in Tripoli in a single day and into Friday, killing…

Libya, UNICEF sign action plan on protecting children

Image source: AP/Rep. Libya, UNICEF sign action plan on the protection of children. UNICEF said in…

Libya imposes curfew due to COVID-19 surge

Image source: AP/Rep. There is a curfew in Libya due to the rise in COVID-19. The…