Mumbai school bus operators plan to increase fees by 40% from June 1

In Mumbai, school bus operators have decided to revise the old rates and increase the annual…

Pre-primary schools find ways to help students cope with learning loss

Bridge courses, additional summer classes, ladder programs – these are among the variety of modules introduced…

HC tells schools not to withhold report cards of students

Calcutta HC directs none of the 145 schools before it in connection with petitions regarding fees…

As offline classes resume, increase in school transport charges burdens parents

The resumption of offline classes is burning a hole in the pockets of parents of school-going…

physical classes resume in bhubaneswar, school timings reduced amid summer

While the students have got relief from the Covid virus, the scorching summer sun has become…

Back to school: After 2 years, offline classes resume in Delhi-NCR

Parents taking their children to school buses after making sure they carried sanitiser bottles in Delhi-NCR,…

Summer vacation in Maharashtra schools from May 2 to June 12, School Education Department proposes

Maharashtra’s school education department has sent a proposal to the state government to declare summer vacation…

New Covid restrictions imposed in Maharashtra, schools closed till February 15 top point

Image Source: PTI New Covid restrictions imposed in Maharashtra, schools closed till February 15 top point…

Mumbai: BMC issues protocol for schools before physical classes resume. Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Thursday issued a detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as Mumbai…