Fake currency racket kingpin, wanted by NIA, caught in Bihar

Last Update: July 08, 2022, 10:37 AM IST The accused also had a reward of Rs…

Sex determination racket busted in Gujarat | Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Another illegal sex determination In Rajkot city, the police have busted the racket by arresting…

Sex determination racket busted in Gujarat | Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Another illegal sex determination In Rajkot city, the police have busted the racket by arresting…

Noida: Owner of Sector 51 guest house has MLA ‘link’, says he was unaware of illegal activities. Noida News – Times of India

Noida: Sector 51 Guest House From where 18 people, including eight managers, were arrested earlier this…