5 tips to boost your immune system while keeping finances in check

Image Source : FREEPIK These are the 5 best tips to boost your immune system. The…

For that glowing skin: Probiotics contain good bacteria and are excellent for skin health

By Dr Deepali Bhardwaj How many times have you checked that “anti-bacterial” label before…

What are the benefits of colon cleansing and natural ways to do it?

The colon, also known as the large intestine, is an important part of the digestive system,…

Do you need a healthy gut? Add Probiotics to the Diet With These Fermented Foods

The modern lifestyle has often been linked to high stress levels, eating processed and high-sugar foods,…

Looking for a healthy sweet option? Mishti Doi can help

Eating sweets and not gaining weight may seem like the most utopian idea. After all, who…

Sexual health: the use of probiotics in maintaining a healthy vagina

Probiotics are in trend these days. In addition to being used on the skin to maintain…