Sexual health: the use of probiotics in maintaining a healthy vagina

Probiotics are in trend these days. In addition to being used on the skin to maintain its youthful appearance, they are also extremely beneficial for fighting indigestion or preventing infections. According to the medical website Healthline, probiotics are proving to be extremely beneficial not only for your intestines but also for your vagina. Although some research is still needed on the connection between probiotics and vaginal health, scientists have put down some points that have been observed in relation to the effect of probiotics in maintaining a healthy and clean vagina.

In an article published in Healthline, Dr. Mindy Hard, a researcher in the New York Institute of Technology’s Department of Health Sciences, said that research conducted over the years has been helpful in proving that the use of probiotics helps maintain vaginal growth. pH balance.

Health experts say that there are about 50 types of microbes present in the vagina, many of which are beneficial and work to protect the vagina and prevent any kind of external infection. When a person has unprotected sex or goes through periods, hormonal exposure in an unhygienic environment, etc., these bacteria get activated and protect the vagina from any damage.

In the case of a vaginal infection, there is a noticeable amount of discomfort, discharge, foul odor and itching which can be symptoms of a bacterial infection. To fight these, it is important to include natural probiotics such as yogurt or medicinal probiotics such as capsules in the diet to keep the infection at bay.

A study conducted in 1996 found that women who had a large proportion of probiotics in their diet did not face the above issues. However, this does not mean that taking probiotics alone can prevent or treat vaginal infections. But given all the expert recommendations, there is no doubt that probiotics will prove beneficial to a large extent.

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