Morning news in quick fashion | September 25, 2021

There was a bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Modi and US President Joe Biden at the…

India’s befitting reply to Pakistan’s ‘lies’ in UNGA; it’s called false propaganda

Responding to Imran Khan’s false allegations, India said that Imran Khan pretends to be a victim…

PM Modi arrives in New York; To address UNGA today at 6:30 pm

After Washington, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached New York, the next leg of his four-day…

Quad Summit | from China to Pakistan; Know what was discussed in the meeting

Many important issues were discussed in the Quad Summit yesterday. PM Modi, US President Joe Biden,…

PM Modi presents special meenakari gifts to VP Kamala Harris, fellow Quad leaders

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who pays great attention to every little detail of his…

PM Modi US Visit: Chef Vikas Khanna will prepare special dish for PM Modi. Unique

PM Modi will address the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York…

PM Modi-Joe Biden meeting to change world’s diplomacy?

Many important issues will be discussed in the bilateral meeting between US President Joe Biden and…

Top 100 News Headlines of the Day | 24 September 2021

After meeting Kamala Harris, all eyes are on the meeting between President Biden and PM Modi…

PM Modi in America | With ‘Long Live US + India Friendship’ Bill Boards sees ‘Sanction Pak’ slogans

PM Modi is in the United States for the Quad Summit and the bilateral meeting with…

PM Modi our journey What is this warning for Pakistan regarding terrorism? | Discussion | hello america

The issue of Pakistan’s terrorism has also been raised in the meeting between US Vice President…