Want Your Kid To Do Better At School? Know How Parenting Styles And Technology Can Reshape Children Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of education and parenting, new approaches are reshaping child development. Parents are…

Why Parenting Styles Matter? Know Effect Of Parenting On Child Development And Thier Lives

Raising a child is a profound adventure that profoundly influences the core of their being. The…

Effects Of Controlled Parenting: Impact On Childrens Character Development

Parenting styles have a significant impact on a child’s development, behaviour, and general well-being. The controlled…

Podcast | Do Our Parents’ Attachment Styles Shape Our Future Relationships?

Yes, parents shape the lives of their kids, their personalities, and the people they become. But…

Avoid these mistakes to build a strong relationship with your child

Every parent wants to have a healthy relationship with their child. They want to be his…

Are you the favorite kid in the family? pay attention to these signs

If you are your parents’ favorite child, they will mostly talk to you in a soft…

Why do children bully? Things that parents need to understand

Parenting is tough. It often seems that parents are always concerned about their children and their…

Silent treatment from parents: The psychological implications on kids and why it should be avoided – Times of India

We all have got the silent treatment from our parents and loved ones. You may even…

5 physical exercises to keep kids entertained and fit

Children need an open environment to grow mentally and physically. Earlier, children used to engage in…

Want to groom your child’s personality? Here are some tips for parents

Parenting is difficult yet an essential task. The personality of the child is formed by the…