Myanmar Military Suffers Shortage as Recruitment Staggers, Desertions, Defections Rise

The number of soldiers in Myanmar’s military is much lower than previously estimated, indicating recruitment struggles.…

Myanmar: Over 100 People Feared Dead In Military Airstrike

New Delhi: At least 100 people, including several children, were killed in an airstrike by Myanmar’s…

Five killed as Myanmar airstrikes hit churches, claim Relief groups

Image source: AP Relief groups claim five killed in airstrikes on Myanmar churches Myanmar airstrikes: Airstrikes…

Unlike the West, India cannot separate Myanmar for geopolitical reasons. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Indian access to Myanmar was overdue this week, striking a fine balance between engaging…

Burnt remains of more than 30 people found in burnt vehicles in Myanmar, allegation of military action

The charred remains of more than 30 people, including women and children, were found in charred…

Myanmar government soldiers burn 11 alive in retaliatory strike: report

According to witnesses and other reports, Myanmar government soldiers raided a small northwestern village, surrounded civilians,…

3 feared dead after Myanmar army truck crushes protesters

Image source: AP/Rep FILE – Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi waits to address judges of…

Fear in Rohingya refugee camps after killings – Times of India

Kutupalong (Bangladesh): Blood stains still mark the spot where killers shot Mohib Ullah, an activist who…