Police inquiry completed in Singhu Border Murder: Remand of Nihangs who had not surrendered for the third time, court sent all four to jail for 14 days

Hindi News Local Haryana Sonipat Surrender Nihang’s remand was not sought for the third time, the…

Singhu Border Murder: 3 more Nihangs involved in Lakhbir’s murder, names of all four accused in remand; When the police arrived, they were not found in the tents.

sonepat9 minutes ago copy link Police are on the lookout for three more people in connection…

‘Murder Weapon’ found in Nihang’s tent itself: Lakhbir’s hands and feet were cut with 2 swords on Singhu border, blood-stained clothes were also found

sonepat2 hours ago copy link Police have recovered two swords with which Lakhbir Singh was murdered…

Barbaric Murder at Singhu Border: Dead body of Lakhbir handed over to relatives; The police kept the entire traffic confidential, Nihang had murdered at the site of the movement

Hindi News Local Haryana Sonipat The body of the deceased Lakhbir was handed over to the…

SKM shunned by the murder on the Singhu border: said – against the sacrilege of religious texts but no one has the right to take law in their hands on crime

Ludhiana5 hours ago copy link After the killing of Nihang Singhs on the charge of sacrilege…