Isolation facility not mandatory for travelers who test positive from at-risk countries starting Jan 22 – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Passengers arriving from at-risk countries and testing positive on arrival in India will be…

International arrivals: Center updated rules, ‘at risk’ list; Scindia whips at airports – Times of India

New Delhi: India has removed Bangladesh from its list of Omicron among at-risk countries and added…

Six test Covid positive after 3476 passengers screened on arrival from ‘at risk’ countries

Image Source: PTI Omicron: Travelers from ‘at risk’ countries screened on arrival, 6 test Covid positive…

India relaxes quarantine norms for international arrivals – Times of India

New Delhi: New entry norms for India will follow international arrival Starting Monday (October 25), thanks…

Immunization rates will ensure international arrivals and boost tourism; AI disinvestment a big step: PM Modi – Times of India

Kushinagar: With India expected to cross the crucial 100 crore vaccination mark, PM Narendra Modi has…