Pakistan detects high speed projectiles coming from India, claims damage to civilian property

Image Source : PTI/Representational Pakistan detects high speed projectiles coming from India, claims damage to civilian…

One year of Indo-Pak ceasefire, border residents share glimpses of peaceful life

Every time Farhan Lone decided to climb Kandi hill near the Line of Control, his family…

Exclusive | China may now be more confident to integrate Taiwan with mainland, defense analyst to India TV

Image Source : AP China may now be more confident to integrate Taiwan Russia Ukraine Latest…

Pakistan arrests 31 Indian fishermen for alleged poaching

Image Source : PTI/ REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE Pakistan and India regularly arrest fishermen from either side for…

Drone threat hovering over India

By : abp news office , Updated : January 19th 2022 07:39 am (actual) According to…

Pakistan’s bid for peace with India in new security policy

Image Source: PTI In this image taken from video provided by United Nations Web TV, Pakistan’s…

Pakistan ready to host SAARC summit, India can virtually attend: FM Qureshi

New Delhi: Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Monday said his country is ready to…

Video: Indian Army exchanges sweets with Pak, Chinese soldiers

India said that this gesture is an attempt to increase peace and harmony in Jammu and…

India-Pakistan exchange list of nuclear installations and prisoners

Image Source: PTI India-Pakistan exchange list of nuclear installations and prisoners Continuing the 31-year exercise, India…

Vijay Diwas 2021: PM Modi pays tribute to martyrs

By : abp news bureau , Updated : 16 December 2021 at 12:55 pm (IST) On…