Hypertension Control: Does Anxiety Mean You Have High Blood Pressure? Tips To Maintain BP In Winter

Are you an anxious person? Do you lose your temper easily? If yes, you might have…

High blood pressure: Symptoms, causes and treatment of hypertension; tips to manage BP

symptoms of high blood pressure: The force or pressure of the blood against the blood vessel…

High blood pressure in winter can lead to brain stroke: Neurologist

Amidst reports of rising cases of brain stroke and brain haemorrhage in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur amid…

Can the cold winter days trigger a heart attack? Expert shares facts about the risk amid the cold wave

Heart attack in winter: A major health concern that can adversely affect your health, especially your…

EXCLUSIVE: Are winters dangerous for the heart? Doctor shares facts about the risk of heart attacks among youngsters

Heart attack in winter: Most hypertensive individuals experience thickening, clotting and high blood pressure as the…