Not Just Men, Even Women Suffer From Receding Hairline; Natural Ways To Strengthen Hair

The treatment can help women regrow their hair and stop hair loss (Image: Shutterstock) There are…

Tips and DIY Scrubs to Have a Healthy Scalp

Scalp health is the beauty buzzword for good reason; the length, luster, and health of your…

Say Goodbye To Frizzy Hair With These Expert-Suggested Tips

The slightest change in temperature can throw off your hairstyling game and instead cause a mess…

Struggling with premature graying of hair? Try These 8 Superfoods

It is not everyone’s business to look fair with utmost confidence and pride. While graying of…

Tired of changing shampoo and oil? Try these 5 Ayurvedic herbs to make hair strong

Hair thinning, excessive hair fall, as well as dry and damaged hair can often lead to…

Here Is Why Vitamin E Is Hailed As The ‘Beauty Vitamin’

To divert into the benefits of the beauty vitamin, we have listed down some of the…

From Cold Air To DIY Masks, Here Are Some No-Heat, No-Damage Methods To Achieve Straight Hair Look

Curly, wavy hair needs a heat tool to be straightened, but without a heat tool, it…

Are You Struggling With Hair Problems, Here is What You Can Do

Everybody wants to have super soft, voluminous, bouncy, and shining hair (Image: Shutterstock) Many people face…

Why you should cover your head in winter, click here to know

Seasonal infections like cold, cough and fever are quite common in the winter season, and there…

Make your hair healthy and beautiful by consuming these foods

Beautiful, healthy and long hair is the desire of many people. The health of our hair…