‘Warning signal’: Chidambaram criticises Vice President Dhankhar’s ‘parliamentary autonomy’ claim

New Delhi: A day after Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar asserted on parliamentary supremacy, Congress leader P.…

JU-তে াত্র মুখে ‘সঙ্গী’ াজ্যপাল াঁটা, ার্তা াবুলের

াদবপুর ালয়ে াবুল াত্র মুখে লেন, ময় াজ্যপাল ীপ লেন ানে. াজ্যপাল ীপ াবুল ায়ক লম্ব…

Armed with law and order situation as weapon, BJP is ready for Bengal War 2.0, but TMC is not worried

The electoral battle in Bengal may have ended, but the BJP is once again sharpening its…

West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar summons assembly at 2 am, acting on a typo in state’s recommendation!

Image Source : PTI/ REPRESENTATIONAL (FILE). West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar summons assembly at 2 am,…

Mamta presented ‘wrong’ information in front of Modi, presented ‘evidence’ directly in front of Dhankhar

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee made several allegations against Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar in front of Prime Minister…

Governor seeks details on lateral entry of advisors in state government departments

Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar has sought details of the process of recruitment of senior advisors and advisors…

The West Bengal government plans to remove the governor from the post of chancellor to make way for the chief minister.

West Bengal Education Minister Bratya Basu on Friday made a statement that the state government is…

Big allegation on Bengal Governor: Mamta said- Jagdeep Dhankhar corrupt person, his name was in the chargesheet of 1996 Hawala Jain case

Hindi news national West Bengal News and Updates| CM Mamta Banerjee called Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar a…