Who Is Richard Branson? A Dyslexic Patient Who Defeated All Odds & Became Billionaire

New Delhi: Renowned entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson has become an iconic,…

Harry Belafonte Remembered as a Trailblazer in Music, Film and Activism

Superstar entertainer Harry Belafonte, who introduced Caribbean flair to mainstream American music and became famous for…

IIT Madras to Organise National Symposium 2023 With Madras Dyslexia Association

Experts with wide and deep practical experience are being invited to address the National Seminar 2023.…

NPTEL-IIT Madras, Madras Dyslexia Association to Offer Free Online Remediation Program in Tamil

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), IIT Madras, is collaborating with Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA)…

Learning Disorders in Children: How to Help your Kid, a Guide for Parents

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and disgraphia – These words are important if you are a parent. If…

Abhinav Shukla Says He is ‘Borderline Dyslexic,’ Gets Support Arjun Bijlani and Divyanka Tripathi

TV actor Abhinav Shukla enthralled the audience with his performance in the controversial reality show Bigg…