IIT Madras to Organise National Symposium 2023 With Madras Dyslexia Association

Experts with wide and deep practical experience are being invited to address the National Seminar 2023.

Experts with wide and deep practical experience are being invited to address the National Seminar 2023.

The symposium is open to all interested in providing meaningful support to children with dyslexia.

The Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA), founded by parents of children with dyslexia, is organizing the National Symposium 2023 on January 21 and 22, 2023, at the IIT Madras campus. specific learning disabilities.

It aims to highlight a need-based multi-pronged approach to intervention for special children. This approach is essential to enable children with dyslexia to assimilate, practice and adopt coping strategies. Interventions in silos are ineffective and need to be regularly coordinated and administered with a system of feedback to make need-based changes.

The symposium is open to anyone interested in providing meaningful support to children with dyslexia. D. Chandrasekhar, President, Madras Dyslexia Association (MDA) said, “As the MDA celebrates our 30 years of serving children with dyslexia and their stakeholders, we would like to invite experts to share best practices To facilitate optimum intervention. Children with dyslexia are endowed with many strengths and are capable of achieving success in many fields. Let us work together to enable them to grow into productive individuals.

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Experts with wide and deep practical experience are being invited to address the National Seminar 2023 to build understanding of the influencing factors, challenges and solutions. Ms Geeta Santa Ram, Director, SPLD Assessment Services, English Language and Literacy Division, and Staff Professional Development Division, Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS), will deliver the keynote address. Speakers include doctors, occupational therapists and experts in the fields of sport, parenting and emotional well-being.

School Principals, Teachers, Special Educators and parents are registering for the seminar with a view to understand the importance of a multi-pronged approach. Several stakeholders plan to integrate these learnings with the teaching-learning practices followed in their respective schools.

Dyslexia is a hidden neurobiological condition that manifests as difficulties in academic skills despite strengths in several areas, such as an above-average IQ and out-of-the-box thinking. Structured, multi-modal remedial teaching based on an individualized educational plan is an essential intervention to address academic difficulties. However, co-morbidities that may be found in such children make therapeutic interventions less effective.

Difficulties such as visual/auditory processing (even if there is no problem with vision or hearing) hinder academic skills causing stress in the child. This can lead to loss of confidence, loss of interest in academics and other issues. Therefore, apart from learning, dyslexia also affects areas such as behavior and emotional state. Multi-dimensional intervention, not limited to remedial teaching, plays an important role in providing comprehensive support to the child.

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