Can Genes Make People Prone To Allergies? Here’s What Study Reveals

New studies are strengthening the scientific understanding of why some people are more sensitive to allergies…

How To Increase Immunity? 8 Lifestyle Changes That May Help Boost Immunity

Our immune system acts as a powerful shield, protecting our bodies from harmful infections and promoting…

Immune Resilience May Be The Key To Live A Longer Life: Study

One study found that people who maintain immune resilience, or the ability to resist or recover…

How Immune System Detection Could Benefit Spinal Cord Injuries: Study

The immune system’s ability to respond to spinal cord injuries declines with aging, according to new…

Type 2 Diabetes Medicines May Help Treat Autoimmune Disorders: Study

Researchers at Swansea University have found that a drug often used to treat type 2 diabetes…

Ginger to Spinach, Immunity Boosting Foods You Must Include In Your Daily Diet

A healthy immune system traps microbes and keeps them away. Foods like citrus fruits, paprika, garlic,…

New Ways Of Capturing Influenza A, Ebola Viruses Are Under Development: Study

Viruses such as influenza A and Ebola infiltrate human cells in a series of steps. Using…

World Immunization Week 2023: Date, Significance, Theme And All About Vaccinations

importance of vaccination: World Immunization Week aims to raise awareness of the need to use vaccination…

India’s Covid Vaccination Coverage Excellent, But Immunity Provided Short-lived: Dr Rajeev Jayadevan

Although the immunity is short-lived, Dr Jayadevan highlighted the importance of vaccination. File Photo/ANI Dr. Jayadevan,…

5 Things To Keep In Mind For Better Immunity Of Your Child

While a mother’s antibodies are passed on to her baby, there are steps you, as a…